Yesterday morning we went out to send my MIL to see her
eye specialist for follow up check up in KL. So while waiting
for her, we decided to hang out in Pavillion. Since we were
there very early, some of the kedai are still close so we
head to the foodcourt and have breakfast.
Around 11am, hubby went to pick his mother and left me with
my 2 little girls in the mall. So I pun started my 'cuci mata'
activities.. As we walked passed the so called exclusive boutique,
I noticed most of them are having sale.. DKNY, Marc Jacob,
Aigner, Juicy... pasal nak tau how cheap is the sale, so I
went in to kepoh. They are having 30 -50% sale...hhmm..
not bad..some items are quite reasonable after the 50%,
and some are still very mahal...
Then we walked further up and ternampak Coach is having
sale too...okay.. must check this one out... as we went in, the
Sales Assistant greeted us.. " Good Morning Maam. We are
having sale on our selected handbags on the 4th Flr ".
I just smile at them... Naik atas, pusing around the display
rack still tak nampak anything interesting which is up to
my ISO standard.. suddenly i spotted on a handbag on the
other side and they are on sale too... when I first look at the
price, I said... hhmm..still very mahal... then the S.Asst told
me that today they started to offer 50% on this range
otherwise it would be only 30%... terus je otak ni buat mental
calculation... iisyyy..that's quite reasonable!! and suddenly
I was behaving like Rebecca Bloomwood in Shopaholic...
ohh...i need to have this... i'll regret if i dont buy... i will not
be able to pay at this price during the non sale period..
Yesss...I'm going to have this one!!! There goes my budget...
I crash and burnt my pocket !!!
tapi tak kisahla...most important AKAK SUKERRR.....
I bought this toe ring as well from Miss Whatever (* i saw
On the same day, at the concourse area, there was a launching
of Indonesian Tourism promotion by the Indonesian High
Commissioner. Their local tour operators were there to sell
their inbound packages. I was not so interested with the
packages but more to their local designers fashion show
and traditional dances..sorryla tak sempat nak snap all the
pix..Here are some of it :

kalau dah cantik, anything they wear, it will look very nice..
Thank you for visiting and reading.. Danke!! Guten Tag!!

Heh..heh..yang penting AKAK SUKER!!! Agree with you. Anyway, don't you think you deserve it? Work, kids et all. (Ni sesi men-justify lah ni kan..heh..heh)
Oh no...the mid-year sale has started eh??
hahaha indulge if you like it btw how much is the price?
Oh my god Lara!!
I was in Pavillion too yesterday.Oh my !!But didnt do any shopping semalam.
We ate Yong Tau Foo..and then we headed upstairs for coffee ..and round kat atas satu round.
We also went to GIRLS to check out Lil one's bag ...but she tak berkenan..
Talk about small world...we were just saying about bumping into each other..
Ha ha:)
Lurvee the bag by the way...
I've been eyeing A bag too but not yet..:)
Menjeleskan diri tengok handbag coach itu.. hahahhaha
yang penting kita suka.. grab it and go for it!
Salam Lara,
selalu masuk sini , hari ni baru bagi salam..:)
Owww .. that bag, very the menggoda! Seb baik kat Penang susah nak cari bag nan satu itu...tahan nafas.. tahan nafas..!! yg tengok ni pun terbakau jiwa raga...nice bag!jgn tak tau sy tak jejak lg ke pavilion tu,teringin nak gi sana tgk kedai mak yakcob tu...hehe.
Sis Kay,
Mid year sale dah towards the endla... cepat pergi!!
Kak Elle,
Kalau dah suka tu, you simply cant resist to have it... price from XXXX became XXX.. murahkan.. if you convert in SGD, lagi murah...
Ibu, Mommy, Mom,
You went on Sundaykan..I was there on Saturdayla... went to the Girls shop too.. cari knick knacks for the girls.. if we went on the same day, I'm sure we'll bump into each other rite!!hhmm...just talked about it last week..hahaha...nak kena jumpa tu!!
tu la dia orang pompuan... berkenan je nak beli..tak beli balik rumah teringat2,
terkenang2...lagi tak boleh tidur woooo....hahaha... :-D
Cik Milah,
apa habaq orang penang ...terima kasihla nooo singgah kat rumah ceq ni.. yang tak boleh nak nafas tuan beg ni..ketaq tangan ceq nak bayaq... :-))
Dek non...cepat ajak kanda gi kedai Mak Yaakob tu...tengah sale lagi.. dek non bawak perut besar sure kanda belanja nanti.. :-))
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