It's been such a long time... like almost one month since my
last update.... lamanyaa.... i really missed the blogging world...
i missed updating my blog... i missed reading other blogger's blog....
i missed to put my comments.....i missed everything.... i want to come
back to this world..... it's now 2.45am and i'm still wide awake...
Good opportunity to blog!! otherwise takut tak sempat nak
update.. my work...hhhmmm....still piling up.... but nasib baik now
dah a bit slow down...tapi penat staring at the computer for one whole
day tu still ada lagi... that's why malas nak on the PC at nite...
how should i startla ....hhmmm...since we just had a bloggers meeting
recently, i'd like to share some of pics with others...
It was my first time meeting with all of them... I've spoken to
kak ummi over the phone for a few times tapi tak pernah jumpa...
so we finally met during the bloggers meeting and also to welcome
Cath who return home to celebrate CNY..
Welcome home Cath and family!!!
In the beginning, nervousnya nak jumpa Cath and all the bloggers..
Ramai yg tak kenal sangat but have seen their name dalam cath's and
kak ummi's blog.... Tapi I was surprised that they are very nice and
friendly...So happy to meet Gert, Sue, Kak Sya, Kak Ani, Zareda,
Purple Tulip whom I've never been to their blog before... It was a
pleasure to get to know you guys.... Bila bersembang rasa macam
dah kenal lama sangat...
Kak Sya - thanks tumpangkan i gi KL Sentral ya.... seronok dpt
kenal dgn Kak Sya...
Kak Ani - thanks jugak pasal hantarkan i kat petrol station.
Seronok sembang2 dlm train...rasa kejap dah sampai....kalau i
sorang2 dlm train, sure boring yang amat.... hehehe...bestnya
dua orang adik beradik lawan blogging ye..
Gert - If I dont see you in blog, I'll poke you in FB.. :-)
Kak Ummi - you look garang..but i know you are not!!!
Sue - can i learn to cook chinese food ...
Zareda - nanti kita share resipi masak tempoyak ya....
Purple Tulip - that day tak sempat sembang2 dgn you... nanti
i akan spend time gi melawat your blog...
last but not least....
CATH - it was indeed a pleasure to get to know and meet you
in person...I must say you look absolutely fantastic!!! Just stay
like this... Nanti kurus sangat takut nampak haggard.... So this
shape is just PERFECT for you!!! are the pixs....
poor Emma... still jetlag....
me and Sue the cookingmomster
Me and 2 gadis ayu.. zar and kak sya
gert, kak ummi and mself
me with the celebrity of the day... CATHerinezetajones... :-)
sweetie and prettie Annabel
Overall we had a fun time getting to know each others better....
In another word... this meeting telah mengeratkan lagi silaturrahim...
and i feel very happy to have a new circle of friends in life....
Thanks to everyone... if i dont visit your blog, it doesnt mean that
i dont remember you... sometimes i'm too busy with the so
hectic life... BUT you guys are always in my heart....
Have a great holiday...and Gong Xi Gong Xi to those celebrating
Chinese New Year....
Hi Laracroft,
Saw yr pics at Ummi's and I thought to myself, macam ku kenal wanita itu :)
Good to know you are also into blogging and we share a few common friends too here in blogland.
Great meet you guys had that day yes??
Hi laracroft...its been a pleasure knowing and talking to are such a nice lady...
Harap2 silaturahim yang terjalin akan terus akrab...nanti bila2 kita lepak2 kat shah alam ye...
Kak kay - (i guess i shud call you kak since you are much older than me kan... also cakap org tua...kena hormat org yg lagi tua...;-) tua)..hahaha...terpecah sudah rahsia blogku... i was stunned for a seconds and wondering who is this kay_leeda but tiba2 terus your name slipped into my mind.. anyway nice to know that we are sharing the same friend in this blogging world... i've added you to my list..hope it's ok with u..
Kak Anie - of course..bila2 ada around section 9/10 area..calling2 la..boleh kita pekena teh tarik i yg tak seberapa sangat...kalau nk sedap lagi, kat mamakla... :-)
ni nak minta permission cath kata nama u pun elle ni dah ada 2 tapi saya tetap kak elle...haha
thanks for visiting my dapur yg lama tak berasap:)
ok next time I ke KL we make another bloggers meeting ye?
I link you to my daily happening ye?
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