2nd and last day of our trip
We spent the whole morning in the hotel busy snapping
pictures of the beautiful surrounding... My little girls
woke up early in the morning and I let them swim
for an hour. Around 11.30am, Wayan came to pick us up
and we head to Kuta town for some "look, see and buy"
session. He dropped us somewhere near Sogo and
later the Legian street. I didnt buy much things coz
I know the things here are a bit pricy than the shops
in the outskirts area. Even the shopkeeper didnt want to drop
the price so much... tak nak bagi tak apa... I can find it in
other shops.... bye bye laa..
So I asked Wayan to bring us to Seminyak which is about
half an hour drive from Kuta town. The price is much cheaper
here and it's quite easy to bargain. So I grabbed a few things..
puas hati I !!! Before 7pm, we were already back to the
hotel coz my girls wanted to watch the fireworks near the beach.
There was a wedding ceremony at the hotel's chapel and the
hotel left a notice in our room that there'll be a fireworks
to celebrate the wedding couple.
At night, I just walked out to the Spa nearby the hotel.
Very very the murah..cost me only RM30 for 2 hours and
it was such a good massage...sampai tertidur dibuatnya...
The next morning, we swim again for the last round before
checking out. Hhmmm...what a short vacation... Should have
booked a bit longerkan...menyesal pulak.... but this trip is
actually an unplanned one... and never thought of that.
But whatever it is we really had a good bonding time
green green grass..... the hotel compound...
dinner in one of the Restaurant near Nusa Dua area..not bad...
Ice blended Alpukat juice (Avocado)
and Phillipino couple

for the girlz... also found in Sogo
Table runner... less than RM30.... murah bangat dong....
AND last but not least...Air Badak...very cooling and refreshing...
Conrad beach bag...sorry this is not free (which i thought earlier
The tiny creature I found in the sea.... I pick it up from
the water and campak to the sand....have to balut
my hand with plastic bag... scare if it is poisonous ke...
My Uluwatu stuff...Uluwatu is a wellknown shop in Bali which
sells the Balinese handmade lace
and tarraaaaaa...my Uluwatu blouse...
this one bought from Sogo...they were on sale...if i'm not
mistaken about rm30...murahh bu....
cheap and nice clips and bracelets from the tepi jalan shops...

Ceramic bowl from Seminyak...less than rm50..
Lychee, Melon, Apple, Orange and Strawberry flavour...
nice to drink during the hot weather....Wayan bought 1 carton
for me to bring back..so nice of him...
is complimentary) and have to pay RM50.. so i bought one for
Aduh lara...jelesnya akak tengok semua pemandangan yang cantik2 tu...ntah bila akak dpt sampai ke sana....
Best kan Lara dpt makan angin sambil mencuci mata tan memanjakan diri...
kak anie..
satu hari nanti sure kak anie sampai jugak...kalau citer kat abang sure dia bawak akak...yg lebih tu manjakan diri..shopping pun dapat sikit2 jer...
uwaaaaaa...jelesssnye kat kak non sorang nie....tp bley percaya ke tu jer yg dibeli???hahaha..kata jutawan kok.suka giloss kat ceramic bowl tu...
phewww...how i wish i could join you cik laracroft. hehehe. it has been ages since the last visit to your site. how are you babe?
cik adik tulipurple...
hehehe...mana boleh tunjuk semua..sikit2 cukupla...nanti pengsan pulak dik non...
nik diva..
what's up babe...lama u tk update blog...busy banget ke..
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