Arrived home, terus check mailbox....
OOOhhhhhhh...I've got mail!!!!! An orange envelope from
Richmond VA... Yeyyyyy!!! I was so excited like a small girl...
smiling from ear to ear.... sukanyeee....
coz I know what is inside the envelope!!
AND......tarrrraaaaaaaaa....... here's my angpau from Cath
Rice with some other side dishes @ Kayu Nasi Kandar.
I got the exact amount - RM13.50.... lucky me!!!
that was my 'hentam saja' answer...
THANKS SO MUCH Cath.... I'll keep it as a souvenir....
As well as this lovely card.... I was so touched.....
It is indeed a pleasure to have you as a friend too...
I still havent finished unpacking.... so malas and tired...
2 loads of dirty laundry settled last nite and this morning...
the bag is still 'terbengkalai' on the bed... will continue
to clear everything by tomorrow...
have uploaded all the pics too... tinggal nak touch up sikit
so.... check it out!!!
syoknye pi bali ye. and congrats dapat angpau :-)
uwaaaaa...jelesnye org tu pi bali...tak sabar ni nk tgk apa sis beli di sinun....cepat eh..huhu
Bali mmg best..dah pegi 2 kali pun best jugak...hotel tu yg best sangat..
cik adik...suruhla kanda booking ticket pegi Bali..sabarrr...nnt sis kasi update..jangan meraung pulak tgk gambar nanti..hehehe...
Cepat, cepat update. Anyway, sudah peek-a-boo some pics on FB, cantiikkk :)
Glad you had a good break. yg nak kene buka FB gak nie...mananye pic dah terasa nak meraung nie...haha.
Laracroft...berjalan memang sedap kan..? Tapi bab nak berkemas kain baju tu...lomah badan...heheheh
cik adik tulip...sabarrr bukk...dah 3-4 hari internet line ni ada problem..nak bukak blog pun berjam2...tu yg tak ada mood nk hapdate gambar...
kak anie..berkemas baju masa nak pegi ambik masa seminngu...dah balik nk kemas semua baju.. dua minggu baru settle...malas punya pasal..
Lol, I used to get very excited when the postman came to our house; hiding behind the curtain and peeked from the window. Those were the days...
And congrats for the angpau.
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