Thanks to everyone for the wishes. Sesiapa yang minta sampaikan
salam untuk Rasulullah s.a.w, salam anda dah disampaikan.
Alhamdulillah everything went well.. I still dont have the
opportunity to update about the trip and upload all the pics
taken while we were there.
As usual now Farhana is on exam week so macam biasa, this kiasu
mother tengah sibuk jadi tutor. I promise once her exam dah
settle, I'll upload some pics to share with everyone.
But what I can say is...
Umrah is the BEST ever trip in my life...
I feel so humble....

alhamdulillah selamat semua nya:)
Welcome back dear!!
glad everything went well :-) selamat kembali my friend. and happy working hehe..
Alhamdullilah dah selamat kembali ...
Thanks Kak Elle, Kak Ummi,Rin chan & Kak Sya...Luv you all...
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