for my dear hubby... he has been on hypertension medication
since 3 weeks ago.. so in order to monitor his blood pressure,
nurse aida pun belila benda ni untuk memudahkan kerja...
Every night it's my duty to check his pressure...nak harapkan
dia buat sendiri, berhabukla machine ni jawabnyaa...
this is a normal pressure... systolic level should be below 120 and
diastolic should be below 80. Systolic is a pressure created when
your heart beats and diastolic is the pressure inside blood vessel
when your heart is resting...(wahh...terror jugak AKAK...)
sys and dia are still high...kena turun lagi sikit.. doc is
targetting 120/80. He might needs to change his medication
on the next visit... Diovan doesnt really work on him i guess...
Doc said they have to do some try and error until he
get the normal pressure....
I'd like to announce that I'll be taking a short break temperorily...
I'll be away to perform Umrah next Saturday for 9
this week nak start study sikit.... nanti leka berblogging,
tak sempat nak buat revision.... Please pray for me... Hope
everything will be okay... I'm actually a bit nervous....
Jumpa lagi once I'm back...Insyaallah....

Selamat Berangkat dan mengerjakan ibadah umrah dengans empurnanya..
Sampaikan salam zar pada Rasulullah ya..
selamat menjalankan ibadah di tanah suci ye semoga semua nya berjalan sebagai di rancang kan.
Ummi doakan semoga selamat pergi dan kembali.
Hope MrF's BP will be ok and both of you be in the bestest of health for the upcoming trip.
Relaxx yg penting-penting je. And doa seikhlas hati..InshaAllah.
moga mendpt barakah dan rahmahNya dan umrah yg mabruk...selamat pergi dan pulang...
my hubby pun lately asyik border jer BP dia...sama ler kite jd nurse gak,
Semoga selamat mengerjakan umrah yg mabrur dan dimudahkan segala urusan di tanah suci...
Have a safe journey to the umrah. Take care.
To everyone - Zar, Kak Elle, Kak Ummi, Kak Kay, Tulipurple, Nong, Gert..
Thanks for the wishes.. I feel so touched and I'm now back from my umrah trip..Everything went well. Alhamdulillah..
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