Frankly speaking, I had no mood to update after we
return home.. Why?
Hhmm... Farhana had chicken pox the day we were travelling
there. Spoilt my mood aje.. But thank god she didn't get any
fever and most of it spreads out on her back. Only one or two
on her face.. When we reached PD, the first thing we did
was to look for the Air Kelapa as it will help to clear the
chicken pox. Then when I went back to work, my Indian
colleague gave me a kind of leave to be used to rub on
the body if she feels itchy and also for her to sleep on it.
Sorry..I didnt know the name of the leaves.. We also brought
her to doctor and were given the calamine lotion plus
some medicines. Alhamdulillah... it has already dried up
and doesn't leave any obvious scar on her body..
Next, I have another drama with my cat..
Remember I took the 3 little kittens (Rona, Roni & Cheeky)
from my MIL's house a few months ago... They've grown up
so big... very hyper, running here and there like a monkey!!
Last Friday, little Roni had an accident. He was hit by a car
while crossing the road infront of our house. It was not so serius
but he had his hipbone dislocated and have to go for surgery
to fix the hipbone back in the socket. So he was admitted to
the clinic on that day itself. Very kesian to see him..
He was limping and can't walk properly. Ms Vet did the surgery
on Monday he was discharged on Wednesday. We were advised
that he has to be on a cage rest for a month. Poor Roni...
Everytime he sees me, he will meow meow at me like begging
to let him play outside with his siblings.. sorry my dear!!
You have to pantang inside the cage okay... Ms Vet supply us
with some antibiotic tablets and calcium syrup for his bone...
Rasa macam bagi anak I makan ubat pulak..hehehe...
Anyway I assigned bibik to do that job since he has to take the
medicines in the morning
In 2 weeks time we have to bring him back to Ms Vet to remove
the stitches and also to give the 3 of them the worms vaccine.
Clockwise from top : Rona, Roni, Cheeky.. the three of them
like to play and bite each others
and they got stucked.. hehehe...I was laughing to see them!!
to do the surgery... suddenly he's so manja after he returns
home.. he needs attention la tu...
I'll be away to Bandung for some retail therapy exercise tomorrow..
I'll share some interesting stuffs to shop, what to eat, where to go
once I'm back on Tuesday. This is actually my 2nd trip and we
already have a well planned itinerary plus a long list of factory
outlets and malls to visit... I'm soooo looking forward to
be the "jutawan" rupiah for a few days...yuhuuuuuu!!!!
Till then..Take care and have a good weekend everyone!!
Nama kucing cam nama kucing kak anie aje. Kak sya pun suka kucing,, miss the cat yg tolong jaga for 20 days.. dah diambil mamanya.
Daun yg ur indian friend bagi tu rasanya daun neem, kurangkan kegatalan and bertanda bila dah baik
enjoy your shopping spree kat bandung.
aha roni looks likje garpy serupa ...hehe
Kak Sya,
Memang ambik nama kucing Kak Anie..lagipun pasal dua ekor ni macam kembar..muka nampak sama..yg we all dapat bezakan pun ekor Roni bengkok dekat belakang..
tak sure la nama daun tu pasal dia tau dlm bahasa dia..
daun dia kecik2.. ye ke bertanda..alamak..
Kak Elle,
Tangan dah gatal nak shopping ni..hehehe..
Garpy 3 kali lagi besar from Roni..kalau kena himpit sure pengsan!!
Have a fun shopping trip...
Hi Lara, you have a good trip and Godspeed. Best regards, Lee.
Thanks!! I'm so excited and my tangan really gatal now..a few more hours to go..
Uncle Lee,
Thanks Uncle Lee.. I'm gonna shop till drop... hahahaa... you have a lovely weekend... I'll catch up with you again at your coffee shop next week ..
Hi Lara, how is Farhana? Hope she's recovered. You keep well and best regards, Lee.
aha.. itu daun neem, orag Melayu panggil daun mambu. Kat farmasi ada cream untuk hilangkan parut/tanda campak.
Ewww... retail theraphy in Bandung...hmmmmm
suka tengok kucing tu..
Frankly zar memang suka kucing kampung instead of kucing baka mahal ni.. kucing kampung ni thrill jaga dia bes sangat..
Bandung is a shopping paradise... How's the trip?
Uncle Lee,
Thanks for your warm thoughts. Farhana has fully recovered..
Cik Milah,
nasib baik tak nampak sangat parut tu..apa nama cream untuk hilangkan parut tu ye?
kucing kampung kalau jaga dan bagi makan banyak2 pun boleh nampak bulat & comel...anak2 mmg sayang sangat dgn rona, roni & cheeky ni..ramai jugak orang mintak nak ambil seekor...
Kak Nong,
Retail therapy in Bandung is HEAVEN!! nanti i update on the trip..tak sempat lagi..busy banget lepas balik..
Hi Lara, just popped by say hello. Lee.
hi..bila nak update
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