We paid RM350 for return air tickets to Bali for 4 persons...
kenapa????? TAK PERCAYA??????
yeahhhh...that's the price we paid for the Air Asia
promotion which started last week .... I could still remember
that I have to pay RM300 plus for my air ticket alone
to Bali 2 years back..... but this time for 4 persons!!!
very the murah kan...
i was really shocked when hubby called from his office to
inform about the price... mula2 a bit reluctant to go
pasal dah pernah sampai sana last two years with my
partners in crime... moreover we had plan to go
to other place.... but since the offer looks very 'tempting',
so we quickly grabbed our seat... nanti menyesal!!!
This weekend I'm gonna bring down the luggage and
will slowly pack for our trip next Saturday....
kalau tunggu last minute... toner tertinggalla... facial
cotton lupa bawakla.... sure I'll miss something....
i cant wait for this short trip.... going to sit by the beach
again and enjoy the sunset this time....
Bali and beach.... I'm on my wayyyy......
wah banyak murah tu...nak ikutttt...what about accomodation?
jom kak elle!!! accommodation pun dah kawtim... let me go first,nnt i'll share the pix of the hotel
Laracroft...murahnyaaaaaaaaaa..!! Jeles akak tau...ni abang akak ni ntah bila lah nak ajak akak pi honeymoon ke Bali...teringin nak kesana...
Selamat bercuti Laracroft...amik gambar di tempat yang cecantik tau...
Chewahh...best nak go on hols. Don't forget to go hunt the uluwatu lace in Kuta. Pasti terjebakkk :)
Enjoy yr hols dear.
kak anie...
pasal murah bangat tu la kita sanggup gak pegi.. abang akak tu manala tau nanti dia buat surprise terus ajak kak anie gi honeymoon kat Paris ke...laaagi best...
kak kay..
uluwatu lace....of course!!awal2 lagi dah masuk my shopping list...hehehe...thank you..
uishhh...betul murah banget!!aritu kandaku ada gak bgatu pasal nie..tak sangka begitu murah..ishh kalu sy kompen nak aritu,ntah2 satu kapal kok kita ya buk...hehe
Hi Ms. Lara, I am new here. Wahhh sooo cheap, great deal, and have a great time there...for the price, a short getaway is so worth it!
adik tulipurple..
memang murah bangat dong... kenapa ibuk enggak booking... boleh kita sama2 jadi jutawan segera Bali....
it was really a great deal... even it's just a short trip but i'll make sure to have a great time and take lots of nice pix...anyway thanks for visiting..
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