Goshh...life has been very hectic during this fasting month....
I really dont have enough time for blogging lately.... I feel the
24hours is not enough... and i wish if we could have 36hrs a day....
tapikan i'd prefer to have the nite time longer than day time....
so that I can dream a bit longer plus do a lot of personal
Almost everyday I'll cook for break fasting...Just imagine
I reach home at 6pm and only have an hour to prepare
our meal (memang kelam kabut di buatnya...nasib baik
bibik tolong prepare all the ingredients) so my job is just to
campak all those things in the kuali...
After break fasting I become like 'ular sawa' ...plus kena hit by
the 'angin malas' ..... but then have to get ready to go to the nearby
surau to perform isya' prayer (but sometimes kalau tak sempat
buat dekat rumah aje) and tarawih....
After tarawih I've to check Farhana's school homework,
buatkan her time table as well as reading Kumon exercise
sheet with Farisa..... memang sooooo exhausted...tapi
sempat lagi spend a bit of time to check my FB and read
my fav blogs.... During this month I usually hit my sack quite
early..I'll try to be on the bed latest by 11pm..otherwise nanti
I've to drag myself to bangun sahur (itu pun after the
alarm clock snooze for the 3rd time... actually I really hate
to wake up in the morning....mmg malas sangat...but it's my
responsibilty to prepare sahur for my family....
By the way, today Farhana completes her 7th day of fasting...
I'm so proud of her ... so far she has never asked
to puasa half day... she even told me that she wanted to fast
as many days as she can.... but sometimes i feel so kesian with
her.... furthermore she's in the afternoon session school...
i'm sure a bit tough...at least morning shcool boleh take a
short nap in the afternoon....
I've taken a pic of her during the first day of fasting last Monday..
Since that was her first time fasting for full day...she looked very
weak like dah habis bateri.... kesian...

Farhana at the dining table... she cant even talk to anyone....it was 15mins away to break fast
in my previous post, I've promised to share the pressies they got from the party....they were sooo happy with them... million thanks to everyone for the lovely gifts...we really appreciate it...
rajinnya ur daughter puasa :-) ada upah ke?
dah besar..so have to belajar puasa..as usual kena bribe bayar upahla to motivate her..:-)
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