my last post...goshh...This is the first time I do not update my
blog for more than 2 weeks.... But frankly speaking, I really
really missed my blog and reading all my fav blogs.... Rindu
la kat you guys!!! I've been soooo busy with the Raya preparations
and some days were hit by the lazy bugs plus penat plus
hilang mood.... Okla....let's forget about this...
This year is MY turn... Raya is at my kampung (modern
kampung which is a housing area actually...) in Johor.
Eve of Raya is the most hectic day... macam2 nak buat...
So, these are the things we prepared ...
ketupat nasi younger sister is the tukang anyam...
at first it looks so complicated but kena try and error baru pandai sikit...
Dapat jugak I cari supplier bunga api..... everynite towards the end of
puasa, they have already started their bunga api session...
2 days later she started to cough and we had to bring her to clinic
every 4 hours to get the nebulizer... nasib baik 3 kali aje... i was a bit
panic.. takut if doctor admitted her in the ward... nanti camping kat
hospital pulak the whole family...but alhamdulillah..everything was ok..
The only thing that I forgot is to take the pic of all the rendang and
kuah kacang (busy nak makan sampai lupa nak snap some pics you...)
I'd like to take this opportunity to wish Selamat Hari Raya to all
muslim bloggers.. esp to Kak Ummi, Rin chan, Zaza, Nik Diva, Ja, and
Shaque..Hope you guys had a great time with the loved ones...
Salam Aidil Fitri..Maaf Zahir Batin...
Oooo, raya sakan-nya, sampai terlupa nak update blog... Cath pun miss you alot... Huhuhu!
oit cik adik punyalah lama tunggu.. baru update blog.. hah seronok rayakan.. sampai tak ingat dunia makankan.. Selamat hari raya!
itu ummi365lah...tesilap taip
selamat hari raya beb. jgn lupa letak gambar2 sensasi masa open house eh, tak sabar nak tengok ehehehe :))
hahahaa...i raya sakan you but dalam raya pun my mind is thinking about my blog and friend's blog...
Kak Ummi...
I miss you !! Once a year dapat makan rendang ketupat..lupa diri kejapla...
dah update my FB..check it out beb!!!
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