Sunday, October 26, 2008


I was hit by an indeed shocking and sad news which I read
in FB yesterday. My junior, Ja, who is also my dorm mate during
school time in SHAH has just lost his 14 months baby who was
diagnosed with 'Biliary Atresia' when he was 2 or 3 months old.
The late baby Wan Umar Zharif passed away on 24Oct,
Friday afernoon.

"BA is a rare disease (~1:1600 newborns) that causes inflammation/
obstruction of the bile ducts resulting in back up of bile in the liver
which destroys the healthy liver. To date, the cause of BA is still
unknown & it is confirmed that it is not caused by food, genetics,
chemical, lifestyle or any other myth that any of you have in mind
right now :) BA is just a Birth Defect! The only cure is thru a
surgery called 'Kasai' procedure' "

I can feel tears running down my cheek after reading the
message. I know it must be really hard for Ja to accept that
the baby who is very attached to her for the past 14 months
is no longer laughing, gigling, crying for milk and playing around
with her little sister.

I can really really understand how she feels as I had faced the
same situations when I lost my little baby, Fariza, who is Farisa's
twin sister 5 years ago. The only difference is I only managed to be
with her for only 9 days after she was born. I just have to accept the
fate and be strong at that time... At the same time I feel bersyukur
that I still have another twin baby to look after.

May Allah give some strength to Ja and her family
to face this hard time.... My pray will always be with her...
Sesungguhnya setiap sesuatu yang berlaku ada hikmah disebaliknya...

Al fatihah to Wan Umar Zharif...


Cat Cat said...

My deepest condolences to your friend, Elle. May her son's soul rest in peace.

rin-chan 린- 찬 said...

Takziah to your friend and her family. RIP. Al-Fatihah.

Laracroft74 said...

Thanks Cath and Rin Chan... Hopefully she's okay ...