last Saturday. So happen one of our colleague from Germany
is back for Raya, so we plan to meet up at my place... Kalau
dah buat at my place.... means I've to be the host and
prepare for the makan-makan....
At first pening jugak to think what to prepare for the day...
and furthermore we were expecting around 70 guests.... Susah
jugak nak budget how much to cook coz takut the food is not
enough... Most of the time pun masak for 3 persons so bila nak
kena prepare for ramai2, mmg terpanic i di buatnya....
But alhamdulillah, we do not have much leftover... just nicela...
The first guest arrived at 3pm and the very last guest left
at 11.30pm ...I was extremely tired... tapi seronok sangat tengok
ramai datang even it was heavy rain plus thunderstorm...
One of my them, I've not met up for 17 years!!! Ehh...suddenly
i feel so old pulak....but am so grateful to see all of them doing
very well.... hope our relationships will last forever and ever...
chicken rendang & peanut sauce
Rendang Daging Dendeng
Spaghetti bolognaise - the most laku food of the day
I guess peoples are tired of eating Rendang..
cookies - i dont have enough time to bake..
so just tunjuk and pay for them... :-)
I didnt forget to buy a new 'skirt' for
the cookie jars... :-)
Me and some of my friends...
So next week is our turn to visit friend's open house.... makan lagiii!!!!
Okie dokie... Good nite everyone!!!
Wah hebat you.. you masak sorang2 ke tu? Sekarang baru terasa nak makan kuah kacang tau.. masa raya tu dulu dah jelak.. i bet you must be a good cook.
how's the two girls. seronok agaknya diaorang melaram baju2 raya tukan..
kak ummi,
masak sorangla but nasib baik bibik siapkan my job is to campak dlm kuali...not that good lagi...still learning...
my two girls...seronok sangat melaram dgn baju baru...
a good cook, u are! missed this moment eh. i wonder la cik laracroft, safial beria2 ajak i dtg juga open hse u tu ari. y eh? hehe
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