organised a charity carnival to collect some funds for the library
and resource centre. The best thing is the school sells coupon
to the students.. then mintak parents sponsor some food items and
beverages... then they sell the food and beverages back to us...
pandainya..... but it's okayla... for the sake of charity....
It was quite fun...besides busy stuffing our face with all kind
of foods... there were also some activities for the kids and adults
like horse riding, slam dunk, flying fox, sand art, ghost house and etc..
Near the ghost house, ternampak 2-3 of the students were crying..
takut tengok hantu rupanya.....kesiannnn..... farhana wanted to
go inside the house but i told her better not to do so.... coz there's
no one to accompany her... to ask me to go...sorryla...i'm not
interested to see all this ugly things.... (hehehe...teringat the
Ju On movie...nak tidur pun check bawah katil dulu...)
and Mummy too take the opportunity to
sit on this Harley Davidson Heritage...COOL!!!!
so.. that was our day and balik rumah everyone pengsan kepenatan
and felt a bit of dehydration due to the hot day.....
naik motor uncle macha gak ke?
Amboi amboi... Bergaya sungguh hot mama... Pakai spek hitam pulak tu... Tu motor macha jugak ke..?? Baik2 Elle, nanti dibawa lari oleh si macha.. Hehe.
mak cik rin chan,
farhana dgn uncle macha, mak dia dgn UNCLE MACHO!!!:-))
Kalau kena bawak lari dgn macha, i sanggup terjun...kalau yg macho tu okay jugak...hehehehe...
funky & sassy la uncle macha tu beb ahahaha!
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