Hari Ke 3 di Madinah, everyone bersiap dengan pakaian
ihram. Around 9.30am, we departed to Mekah to perform our
Umrah. Kami bermiqat di Masjid Bir Ali yang terletak
lebih kurang 15mins from Madinah. Selepas solat sunat ihram,
kami berniat di dalam bas dan bermulala segala pantang
larang. I always remind myself not to do things which I'm
not supposed to do sampaila dah complete umrah esp bila
ambil wudu'. Mmg berhati2 betul takut tergugur rambut.
Then, jangan bunuh binatang (takut terbunuh nyamuk/
lalat/semut).. ini yang kita selalu buat kat Malaysia...
so masa dlm ihram selalu have to remind myself...takut
terlupa... Nanti tak pasal2 kena bayar dam...
Seekor kambing... mahal tu... if i'm not mistaken dalam
RM400-500. The journey from Madinah to Mekah is
approximately 6-7hrs.
We arrived Mekah in between Zohor & Asar. So terus check
into our hotel, Al Firdous Tower which is located about
200mtrs away from Baitulharam. Kena jalan jauh sikit..but
it's alright with me... a good exercise in a way... Lepas simpan
bag, berkumpul di Lobby hotel and terus ke Masjidil Haram
to complete Rukun Umrah - tawaf -saei - bergunting.
Mutawwif lead us for this first Umrah. The first time nampak
Kaabah di depan mata, rasa sangat2 terharu , I can feel
tears running down my cheek. Gembira dan terharu diberi
peluang menjadi tetamu NYA dan melihat kaabah di depan
mata. Ya allah I feel so humbled......
Before sampai di lampu hijau di kwasan kaabah, terus niat
tawaf dan jalan sambil berdoa to complete 7 pusingan.
Lucky we bought the book from MPH yang dah siap tali
so can just gantung the book and flip thru aje...otherwise
susah jugak nak bukak buku.
There were not so many peoples after Asar so we walked
comfortably. Habis tawaf 7 pusingan, solat sunat di belakang
Makam Nabi Ibrahim and minum air zam2 (sunat).
Then we proceed to Bukit Safa - Marwah to perform Saei
7 pusingan again. After Saei, i gunting a few strands of hubby's
hair and he did for me as well. Selesai umrah, it was almost going
to Maghrib. So we decided to stay in the mosque. Kalau balik
hotel memang tak sempat. Habis Isya' baru balik ke hotel
for dinner. It was such a tiring day....but i enjoyed what i did
for the day... semoga ibadah dan amalanku di terima olehNYA.
2nd & 3rd day in Mekah, we went for Ziarah Luar to
Jabal Thur, Jabal Rahmah, Jabal Nur, Ladang Ternak
Unta, Muzium Harmain, passed by Mina, Arafah & Muzdalifah.
For those yang nak perform Umrah lagi, kami bermiqat
di Ja'ranah on the 3rd day. 2nd day tak ingat the name of
that place pulak. So we took the opportunity to do our
2nd & 3rd tawaf. This time we did on our own since dah
experience during the 1st tawaf.
4th day which was on Friday, we had a free time on our own.
So that morning, just buat tawaf sunat and jalan2 to the
nearby shops then balik hotel to rest. I decided not to
go for Friday prayer since it was quite packed with men.
I told hubby that I wanted to pusing2 in the Mall dalam Hilton
but when I just stepped into the Supermarket, they off the
lights and were rushing to close the place. Okay..I forgot that
they closed their shop to go for Friday prayer. Even all
the tepi jalan stalls pun tutup and the best thing, they
leave all their barang2 just like that. If in Malaysia, you do
this, I can bet the moment you come back, all your
barang will be gone....peoples here cannot be trusted at all.
In Mekah, peoples dont dare to steal things that dont belong
to them. Kalau kena tangkap... apalagi..potong tanganla..
Friday night we started to packed all our barang .
Alhamdulillah our luggage 'beranak' satu aje... We tried not
to buy so many things coz we only have 25kg per person.
If access baggage, kena bayar RM70per kg.
This has been reminded by Tabung Haji rep before we
left for our trip. So time shopping tu memang beringat2 ...
The next morning after Subuh, we did our very final packing
sebelum hantar luggage down to the lobby. 8am terus ke
Masjidil Haram to perform Tawaf Wada' (Tawaf Selamat
Tinggal). After this tawaf you are not allowed to do any
shopping or to go back to the hotel room and sleep.
Otherwise this tawaf jadi tak sah. So after habis, terus balik
ke hotel and tunggu bas at the lobby. Not long after, bus
sampai and semua terus naik to go back to Jeddah.
Sedih betul nak tinggalkan Mekah... I keep on praying in
my heart that one day I'll definitely return back again .
I'm going to miss the mosque and kaabah very very much...
The journey to Jeddah took us only 45mins. Sampai di Jeddah,
They dropped us in one old shopping mall for final shopping
before going for lunch in one of the hotel. After lunch, we went
to Masjid Terapung on the Red Sea and took some photos.
Then terus ke Airport to check in. Fortunately, there were
not many peoples at the counter. One of the guy in our group
spoke to the counter person and he told us to pay
RM10/person if we dont want to be charged for any excess
baggage. So all of us agreed to pay that amount in order
not to be charged RM70 kalau luggage terlebih weight.
We also brought back 2 bottles of Air Zam Zam which is
included in our package and the weight does not includes
in the 25kg. Check in process went very smoothly. Our flight,
MH151 departed Jeddah at 9pm and arrived KLIA the next
morning on Sunday at 11am.
Alhamdulillah everything went well from the 1st day of our trip.
Semoga segala amalan dan ibadah diterima Allah s.w.t.

Miqat di Bir Ali before going to Mekah
Manage to snap this pic after we finished our Umrah.
This was taken after Zohor prayer. Usually at this time
tak ramai orang buat Umrah..so you can see the place
is not so packed...
Near Makam Nabi Ibrahim... cepat2 snap takut
guard nampak...

Saei area.. picture taken from Bukit Safa..

pintu kaabah....ramai betul tangan2 yang bergayut
di depan pintu untuk ambil berkat.... which I did too...
tapi takla sampai bergayut...just pegang aje...

di hadapan Masjidil Haram... one hour before maghrib..

Kawasan kaabah in between Maghrib and Isya...
Ramai prefer to perform Umrah or Tawaf Sunat
around this time...very crowded...

Muzium Harmain... picture of Masjidil Nabawi in Madinah

Ladang Ternakan Unta...trying to feed the camel a small
piece of bread ... They sell susu unta RM5/bottle but
I didn't like the smell....and they said it's heaty...

Jabal Rahmah...tempat pertemuan Nabi Adam & Hawa..

Tiang di atas Jabal Rahmah...macam2 nama ada tulis kat sana..
Orang cakap nak cepat dapat jodoh, you have to seru that
person's name...so cepatla jodoh...
Khemah2 di Mina for Haji.... Tempat melontar is that
3 storey building right at the end... They are now
building another 2 floors to make it 5 storeys...

Banyak betul khemah2 di Mina..Beribu2. Can't imagine
during Haji dgn berjuta2 orang dekat sini...
Our hotel in Mekah - Al Firdous Tower (tall building on
the right hand side of the road).
Me with my "masjid friends" in Madinah - Kak Laila
and Aunty Maznah...they are such a nice, kind and helpful
persons..Thanks aunty for all the knowledge....

Me at the Masjid Terapung in Jeddah...
Again...thank you to everyone for visiting... I'm just sharing
my experience and have no intention at all to show off on
what I did in this trip... To those who have not been there,
hope this could help you a little bit for your future trip..
or for those who have been there, maybe akan rasa
"terpanggil" to go again... Insyaallah....