early morning hubby dah keluar'tebas lalang'.... bagus jugak...
can bangun lambat and do whatever i want... after bangun,
terus check FB and blog hopping... breakfast pun tak lagi...
it's okay.. a cup of coffee and cereal is good enough for me...
suddenly nampak my SIL's status update in FB that she's going
to bring her kids to watch Geng Pengembaraan...since i've been
planning to bring my kids to watch this movie so apa lagi...
called her to book my ticket as well. So we managed to get the
afternoon show in GSC 1U. What i can say ....GO AND WATCH!!!
It's such an awesome movie and full of exciting sequence...
kejap happy... kelakar...suddenly panic and terkejut....
thumbs up to the LES COPAQUE team!! my kids and even
myself enjoyed it very much...lepas ni confirm cari DVD...

After habis movie, have to rush home to attend wedding
dinner in MK. One of my hubby's relative married to Aussie girl...
selamat tak payah masak dinner.... the food was quite nice
and i was anxiously waiting for the dessert... tapai with vanilla
ice cream. sorry....there's no pix coz i carried my small dinner bag..
tak muatla nak sumbat camera...
hibernating and lazying around day....
was so malas to cook lunch since we had late breakfast....
tapi around 4pm, perut dah berkeroncong.... so i just
prepare a simple snacks for teatime.. puri, sardin and keropok
lekor (bought in Kuantan last two weeks)... since everyone
is kelaparan plus the heavy rain yang buat lagi lapar, habis
semuanya sapu licin....
sambal sardin
puri (learned from my MIL)
keropok lekor
tea 1/2 tarik..
so... that's my half interesting and the other half not so interesting activities...
6 comments: dpt sardin kalu..mak mertua belakang lalu jugak tak prasan,hehe..menjilat jari beb!!
time2 ujan mkn..lg syurrrrr..ihiks'
adik tulipurple..
samala kita..mak mertua lalu nampak..tapi invite2 chic... hehehe..
Lara...akak kalau sambal sardin tu memang berhantu...dpt cicah dgn cekodok...hmmm...meleleh air liur...
Lara citer upin ipin tu memang best kan? Jgn lupa tau kalau nak beli DVD beli yang original...heheheh...(mentang2 le anak dia kerja kat les copaque...bukan main promote lagi...heheheh)
Da, sedap giler siut.. esp. keropok lekor :-)
kak anie..
sardin tu makan dgn apa2 pun mmg sedap..nak kalau makan dgn nasi panas & telur goreng..mmg confirm tambah nasi...of course..DVD surebeli original copy..baru puas hati..
rin chan..
keropok lekor kena makan panas2 baru best..dah sejuk jadi liat...
Lara've been tagged. Please drop by. Collect your award at my blog ok:)
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