Thursday, February 5, 2009


I called my friend "Ms A" this morning as i found out that she
had been terminated by her employer. She has been working
for this company "B" for just 4 months.

No verbal warning.
No warning letter given.
Not even a performance review is done.
The employer just terminated her for NO valid reason.
Poor "A"... She is a person whom I know is very determine,
career minded, and will do everything all out...

Last week, she was called by the boss in his room.
Thinking that the boss might want to review her performance
but instead, she was given the termination of service letter..
Stunned and shocked, she argued with the boss but he was
not able to produce a solid reason. "A" then wrote an email to
the VP who's based in the neighbouring country. According to
Mr VP, in order to terminate an employee, a person
need to have at least one warning letter but in her case she
did not have any.

For all she knew, the boss actually has a plan to hire
someone who he thinks is better in terms of experience and skills.
Immediately on the next day after the incident, the new
staff was hired. What a plan!!

She has now a solid case.
She's going to fight for her pride and dignity...
I wish I could help her but I can just give my moral support..
Wish her all the best and hope she could find a much better
place to land..

I feel very grateful that during this tough time, I still have a job
and $$$ to earn... Alhamdulillah....


kay_leeda said...

Dear Lara,

Looks like your friend "A" has a case. Try going to the IR office to seek for help. During bad times such as now, unscrupulous employers are ever so ready to take advantage of the situation.

Kak Elle said...


So sorry to read about your friend's case..yes we should be greatful we still have a job in this bad crisis.

Ummi365 said...

Hi zara, can you i call you that. i just love all the names you have in your blogspot, lara, elle and zara. they are all sweet names.

I feel sorry for you friend to. Hoping that she can fight this thru.

*hugs* to you too.

rin-chan 린- 찬 said...

so sorry to hear about your friend. hopefully she gets the just. have a great day dear.


Laracroft74 said...
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Laracroft74 said...

Kak K.. friend and her dad are now checking on what to be done.. i will let her know to go to the IR office too..

Kak Elle..
syukur that we still have a job during this downturn.. it's going to be really tough if the person yg kena terminate is the breadwinner in the familykan..

Kak Ummi..
can call me with any name as long it sounds nice... that 3 names tu mmg ada makna..

Rin chan..
thanks..wish you have a great weekend too...

tulipurple said...

sedeykan kalu kene aniaya mcm tu...
yup,alhamdulillah for us who still have $$ to earn...wat more get angpow somemore from ober d see..hehe :)

p/s:i baca ur likes ...sis mmg 'maintain' gitu..suka tgk ur appearance that day.

Cat Cat said...

Kesian kat A kan...??? Kat sini, if it happenned to me, I will sue the boss...

Eh, you dah lama tak visit my blog ya... BTW, you are the WINNER...

email Cath at seetlooi at yahoo dot com - kasik your address. Naik main lucky angpow to you lah...

Laracroft74 said...

bersyukur kita banyak2 pasal ada $$$ masuk hujung bulan...dapt duit angpau...sape tak nak dik oiii...nak kalau dapat USD ke..EUR tu...pasal appearance tu...biasa jela cik tulipurple... ni pun certain part dah ter'expand sikit'...nak kena trim skit...:-))

YAHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I'm the winner...tak sabar nak dapat angpau from US ni...btw..i ada la visit yr blog..the last was about yr trip back to m'sia.. this week baru i nak tengok balik coz the past few days I was not well..nnati i email you kay..