I decided to go to the pasar malam nearby to tapao
something for dinner.. We've not been to the pasar
malam for the past few months so I've been craving
to eat Yong Tau Fu and all the kuih muih...
kuih denderam...this one very crispy!!
I'm actually watching Desperate Housewives, so I've nothing
much to blog this time...need to concentrate on the drama...
love to see their weird characters.... :-)
See you again....
Haa...pi pasar malam sek 6 ka? I pun lama dah tak gi. Have you tried the apam yg colour-colour kat sebelah belakang tu? Besttt :)
Cik Kay,
ha'ah..Sect 6... dah 3 bulan tak pi..eh, got apam colour2 ? must go and check out next trip...
sis,ur fav n ur hubby's fav food samalah mcm my hubby n i....aduishh terliur sy pg2 masuk sini...
now talking about pasar malam, baru i teringat today is pasar malam day. why lah i go and masak nasi banyak this morning... actually home cooked food is much better tapi sekali sekala apa salahnyakan... maid tak ada lahh.. good reason to go pasar malam hehehe.
sekali2 makan makanan luar mmg bagus jugakan..dapur tak berserak.
Ummi dah masak nasi banyak beli aje lauk2 jadi tak payah masak mlm ni:)
Laracroft...Yong tau fu...akak suka yang sup...kalau kuih lopis tu feveret cik abang akak juga...boleh makan berkeping2...
Kuih denderam yang crispy feveret no. 1 si kecik akak cuma dia tak boleh makan selalu sebab berminyak...
Akak pun dah lama tak pergi pasar malam...rindunya pasar malam kat Tengkera
cik adik tulipurple...
saje je nie nak kasi korang semua terliur..hehehe....
kak ummi...
tak apa..the nasi can simpan in the fridge..tmrw boleh buat nasi goreng...today hentam kat pasar malam je la....lagi best and banyak choices...
kak elle..
dapur pun once a while need a rest...
kak anie,
kuih lopis tu beli 5 keping...darling i hentam 4 keping..bagi i satu jer...dah le kita yg bayarkan...kesian i...:-(
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