I've been trying to live healthily eversince I found out my LDL (bad) cholestrol is a
bit higher than what it should be. This was 2 years ago (2006) lepas buat cholestrol
check up and the LDL was 3.88. Ideally it should be less than 2.58 but lucky the total
cholestrol is still okay.
That is when I started to get myself registered with Celeb Fitness. Siap hired a personal
trainer lagi for about 40 sessions. On top of that , I joined some of the classes - fun step, fitball,
body pump (keras muscle mak lepas tu...) and sometimes the basic yoga.
Last year, i managed to prove that exercises do help a lot to reduce cholestrol level plus
can lose some weights. I was shocked that the LDL cholestrol dropped to 3.11..happy gilaa....penat lelah pegi Gym berbaloi!!!
This year, Ive yet to go for the c/up..planning to do before the fasting month...Kalau tunggu lepas raya..confirm kena kira cholestrol from the rendang, kuah kacang, lodeh, cookies,
cakes from the one month open house...oooo...tak boleh...that's very bad for my health...
i must keep myself alert.. makan berpada2.. jgn tak ingat dunia....
anyway, check out this web!!
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