Sunday, July 27, 2008

Fridge magnet

I love fridge magnets..... I started collecting them since
five years ago...

so whenever we travel, i'll make sure to have at least one
from each places... Here are some of my collections :

soooo...if you guys happen to travel, i would really appreciate if you could get one
for me.... don't worry, i'll pay you the due...


Anonymous said...

Haha.. me like to collect as well but I dun travel as much as you so i only have the local ones only :-P

Laracroft74 said...

hi flickchick..

thx for dropping might not know..may be one day you will travel a lot too...:)

Sleepyhead said...

me too, guys hehe. on my nxt trip to nz, i'll buy one for u eh babe