Thursday, December 25, 2008
Missing in Action
I'm sure some of you might be wondering what had
happened to me...kak ummi, thanks for calling me
yesterday... i feel so touch... and that's why
I forced myself to just drop a note to inform everyone
that I'm still ALIVE and KICKING....
It's just that.... I'm so bogged down with loads and tonnes
of works in the office lately. Year end is our super duper peak
season ... so by the time i reached home, felt so exhausted and
refused to look at the PC coz the whole day I've been straining
my eyes looking at the computer...
AND also, I've just lost my grandpa recently.... so I'm still not in
the mood to write, to check emails as well as checking FB..
I'll definitely be back to this blogging world when everything
is back on track....
I'd like to take this opportunity to wish all of you who is reading
this post all the best for this coming new year.
May 2009 will give us a good health, wealth, prosperity and success...
Happy New Year!! Love you guys!!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Facebooking vs Blogging
facebook..... sampai lupa... hhmmm not lupa actually.... but
the right word is 'tak sempat' to update my blog...
i'm soooo addicted to FB.. almost everyday or alternate
day i'm in FB and once i've logged in, i can spend
hour and hours browsing thru the site to kepoh
what are my friends up to...the latest uploaded pics....
send flowersla, giftla, chocolatela, poking each others,
leave some comments or sometime mengutuk or kena
kutuk... hehehee...but it was fun coz all this will strengthen
our relationship.... so this is the reason why i've hardly
updated my blog... blame it to facebook!!!!
how about you guys... are you addicted to FB too?
school holiday has began since last week... there was a price giving
ceremony on the very last day of school... so my little Farhana
dapat naik on the stage to collect the certificate for her
achivement - "Anugerah Pelajar Cemerlang" for Std 1. Hopefully
she can improve and do better next year.....
Remember that i always act very kiasu & panic tak tentu
pasal everytime before the exam.... when think about it...
tak sia sia jugakla.... so i guess i have to keep on being a
kiasu mother for the next few years.... penat tu!!!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Fish Spa
in Subang... my dearest punya ideala ni... i just agree la coz i'd like to
try out.... In the beginning, I felt a bit hesitant to dip in my feet..
It took me a while until i feel confident enough to let these little
tiny fishes to tickle my feet.... OMG...soooooo geli tau!!!!!
The first 5 mins was really a suffering ....but we had a good laugh...
I think i gelak macam orang gila.... lucky there were only us in the spa....
This group of little fish called '"Garra Rufa" will actually exfoliate your dead skin cell by eating them.. The fish originate from Turkey where they are commonly know as "Doctor Fish" for their effectiveness to treat skin disorder like eczema.. It is also good to improve blood circulation and relax the body, mind and soul...
the garra rufa is going to get heart attack !!
she's on far right - the one in green
ada bakat jugak my chubby girl ni...
posing depan KSA
the video is a bit blurla....
okay...i have to wish good nite to everyone... it's already too late but lucky tomorrow is still weekend...can bangun lambat... horrayyyyy!!!!
Have a Great Weekend guys!!!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Charity Carnival
organised a charity carnival to collect some funds for the library
and resource centre. The best thing is the school sells coupon
to the students.. then mintak parents sponsor some food items and
beverages... then they sell the food and beverages back to us...
pandainya..... but it's okayla... for the sake of charity....
It was quite fun...besides busy stuffing our face with all kind
of foods... there were also some activities for the kids and adults
like horse riding, slam dunk, flying fox, sand art, ghost house and etc..
Near the ghost house, ternampak 2-3 of the students were crying..
takut tengok hantu rupanya.....kesiannnn..... farhana wanted to
go inside the house but i told her better not to do so.... coz there's
no one to accompany her... to ask me to go...sorryla...i'm not
interested to see all this ugly things.... (hehehe...teringat the
Ju On movie...nak tidur pun check bawah katil dulu...)
and Mummy too take the opportunity to
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Mamma Mia !!!
Musical ticket for him in conjunction of his birthday which has
already passed..... BUT I can only collect the ticket on the
show day itself at Istana Budaya.
Sooooooo yours truly came out with a brilliant idea.......
and here it goes.......
TARRRAAAAAAAAA......... Malaysia proudly present you..........
"Laracroft the Mamma Mia".... hehehe.. ** feel terglamour kejap you**
Sunday, October 26, 2008
in FB yesterday. My junior, Ja, who is also my dorm mate during
school time in SHAH has just lost his 14 months baby who was
diagnosed with 'Biliary Atresia' when he was 2 or 3 months old.
The late baby Wan Umar Zharif passed away on 24Oct,
Friday afernoon.
"BA is a rare disease (~1:1600 newborns) that causes inflammation/
obstruction of the bile ducts resulting in back up of bile in the liver
which destroys the healthy liver. To date, the cause of BA is still
unknown & it is confirmed that it is not caused by food, genetics,
chemical, lifestyle or any other myth that any of you have in mind
right now :) BA is just a Birth Defect! The only cure is thru a
surgery called 'Kasai' procedure' "
I can feel tears running down my cheek after reading the
message. I know it must be really hard for Ja to accept that
the baby who is very attached to her for the past 14 months
is no longer laughing, gigling, crying for milk and playing around
with her little sister.
I can really really understand how she feels as I had faced the
same situations when I lost my little baby, Fariza, who is Farisa's
twin sister 5 years ago. The only difference is I only managed to be
with her for only 9 days after she was born. I just have to accept the
fate and be strong at that time... At the same time I feel bersyukur
that I still have another twin baby to look after.
May Allah give some strength to Ja and her family
to face this hard time.... My pray will always be with her...
Sesungguhnya setiap sesuatu yang berlaku ada hikmah disebaliknya...
Al fatihah to Wan Umar Zharif...
Thursday, October 16, 2008
yesterday but end up sitting in the
kitchen..buat ketupat palas... I bought
the daun last sunday..and suddenly
when I passed by the fridge, ternampak
the daun wrapped in a newspaper
next to it..
Quickly took the beras pulut and
have to wait approx 40 mins until
the pulut masak... I've already frozen the ketupat and later
bila nak makan, just steam it for about 20 mins...
i'm planning to cook Rendang Daging Dendeng this weekend
to eat with the ketupat....
Alamak.. how am I going to slim downla like this....
I've been planning to go jogging since yesterday but my plan
has been 'terbengkalai' coz of the rain..nak drive to the gym, end up with no exercise at all... and today
rasa guilty coz i ate a lot during lunch time...
Our staff cafetaria serves a Hari Raya food ... and moi makan
dengan happynya...nasi himpit, rendang ayam, daging, kuah
kacang and lontong...eeiii...banyaknya.... after makan, rasa
guilty pulak.... so I ran to the pharmacy accross the road looking
for a detox tea to get rid of the fats, oil, toxin and all bad stuffs..
And just now, I only have a cup of Horlicks with Dragon fruit
for dinner.... But the thing is...this weekend we have 7 open
house invitations.... hhhmmmm...habis lagi la i !!!!!! ...
Monday, October 13, 2008
Open house...Raya again!!!
last Saturday. So happen one of our colleague from Germany
is back for Raya, so we plan to meet up at my place... Kalau
dah buat at my place.... means I've to be the host and
prepare for the makan-makan....
At first pening jugak to think what to prepare for the day...
and furthermore we were expecting around 70 guests.... Susah
jugak nak budget how much to cook coz takut the food is not
enough... Most of the time pun masak for 3 persons so bila nak
kena prepare for ramai2, mmg terpanic i di buatnya....
But alhamdulillah, we do not have much leftover... just nicela...
The first guest arrived at 3pm and the very last guest left
at 11.30pm ...I was extremely tired... tapi seronok sangat tengok
ramai datang even it was heavy rain plus thunderstorm...
One of my them, I've not met up for 17 years!!! Ehh...suddenly
i feel so old pulak....but am so grateful to see all of them doing
very well.... hope our relationships will last forever and ever...
chicken rendang & peanut sauce
Rendang Daging Dendeng
Spaghetti bolognaise - the most laku food of the day
I guess peoples are tired of eating Rendang..
cookies - i dont have enough time to bake..
so just tunjuk and pay for them... :-)
I didnt forget to buy a new 'skirt' for
the cookie jars... :-)
Me and some of my friends...
So next week is our turn to visit friend's open house.... makan lagiii!!!!
Okie dokie... Good nite everyone!!!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
The Eve of Raya
my last post...goshh...This is the first time I do not update my
blog for more than 2 weeks.... But frankly speaking, I really
really missed my blog and reading all my fav blogs.... Rindu
la kat you guys!!! I've been soooo busy with the Raya preparations
and some days were hit by the lazy bugs plus penat plus
hilang mood.... Okla....let's forget about this...
This year is MY turn... Raya is at my kampung (modern
kampung which is a housing area actually...) in Johor.
Eve of Raya is the most hectic day... macam2 nak buat...
So, these are the things we prepared ...
Dapat jugak I cari supplier bunga api..... everynite towards the end of
puasa, they have already started their bunga api session...
The only thing that I forgot is to take the pic of all the rendang and
kuah kacang (busy nak makan sampai lupa nak snap some pics you...)
I'd like to take this opportunity to wish Selamat Hari Raya to all
muslim bloggers.. esp to Kak Ummi, Rin chan, Zaza, Nik Diva, Ja, and
Shaque..Hope you guys had a great time with the loved ones...
Salam Aidil Fitri..Maaf Zahir Batin...
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Raya shopping
shopping for Raya... i was actually looking for a new sandal
so i bought 2 pairs ..and the other 2 pairs are custom made shoes
which i ordered from a shoe lady who always come to our office
and take orders from us.. covenience for us la...tak payah susah2
nak cari kasut..she has all kind of materials and design..and the
most important her shoes are very very comfy.... jalan one whole
day in a shopping mall with her high heel pun tak sakit kaki...
And we also bought 2 pairs of shoes and a pair of sandal each for
Farhana and Farisa.... sampai rumah this two girls were so excited
to try out their new shoes...
green shoe from shoe lady and brown from SP.... raya sakan tahun ni...
Farisa's shoes and sandal... she doesnt like the orange colour..
but i thin it's quite cool...
Farhana's collection....Ms pink....
Yesterday we went to look for their baju kurung in SACC Mall... Luckily we could still managed to find their size..the only thing, tak dapat cari the same design for both of them.... it's okayla, this year, we'll have a colourful theme
Ehhh.. what about me?? where's my baju????
oh yaa...they are still at the tailorla...
The lady hasn't called me yet... this reminds me to call her
tomorrow.. hopefully I can collect my baju next week....
kalau tak pakai baju last year laa....
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Ramadhan Tag

Happy Fasting to all my Muslim friends!
2) SleepyHead
3) 365 Days
4) ShaqueAttack
Saturday, September 13, 2008
A day in the kitchen
a kind of 'angin' has hit me and I've been so rajin sitting
in the kitchen almost 60% of my day today...
This is what I did ......
Bread and butter Pudding
1 loaf of bread 3 cups of hot water 3 cups of evaporate milk 1 egg 1/2 cup butter Mix fruits (optional)
Pour hot water onto the bread. Then stir. Add evaporated milk, butter and egg. Mix well. Add mix fruits. Bake in the oven for 30 - 40 mins.
** nak sedap lagi, you can have it with vanilla or chocolate sauce...yummy!!! **
While i was busy in the kitchen...hubby was busy too doing some mischief work....suddenly he called me and show this picure which he transformed me to a RETRO look... hhmmm..not bad...i kinda like it....i wonder if i'd really do this hairstyle if I was in that era....stylo jugak eh....
Wokeyyy...i have to say good nite to you guys....dah lambat you... nanti pening i nak bangun sahur.....and tomorrow we are going to Sunway Pyramid to do some Raya shopping...Yeyyy!!!
Have a lovely weekend everyone....
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Buka Puasa..
This morning during sahur, I was cracking my brain thinking what
to cook for dinner... nak masak ayam lagi...hhmmm...i dont think
so... i'm tired of eating chicken (but that's my darling's fav) this
is the part I always hate.... malasnyaaaa nak fikir....
but i have no choice coz kena bagitau bibik what to take out from
the freezer..
Finally teringatkan the prawn and beef which I bought in the market
last this is what I came up with for buka puasa just now :
and... Desert - Kuih Lopis
My sahur is very simple... 4 pcs of Hi Fibre Cream Crackers,
4 pcs of Dates and a cup of Milo.... these is good enough to save
some energy for the day.... and at least my tummy doesn't feel
so bloated this puasa time ... hopefully can lose 2kg this month... :-)
Sunday, September 7, 2008
My life during Ramadhan...

Farhana at the dining table... she cant even talk to was 15mins away to break fast
in my previous post, I've promised to share the pressies they got from the party....they were sooo happy with them... million thanks to everyone for the lovely gifts...we really appreciate it...
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
The Birthday Bash!!
farisa and the rabbit really did a good job entertaining everyone!!!
my chubby girl is so excited
doing the limbo rock
Happy Birthday to Farisa-5 and Farhana -7