Wednesday, August 13, 2008

An evening at The Park

Thank god...alhamdulillah... I'm so relief... you guys must be
wondering why... Actually, Farhana finished her 3rd quarter
school test today. I don't know why I become so 'kiasu' everytime
she's having her exam..REALLY!!! she's only in the Std 1 but
I'll be the most panic person on earth a few days before the
exam.. I'll keep on giving her pages and pages of exercise,
sit down with her and do some revision and scolded her if she
failed to answer correctly...**SIGH** now I feel very bad..:-(

Actually she has been doing well but as a mother, I always want
her to do the "BESTEST" though i ni bagus sangat
during my school's okay, she doesnt' know what
I did last summer..;-))

SO...since she has finished her test, I brought her to the park nearby
our house. She had good time with her little chubby sister, enjoying
the slide and swing. Left them with bibik and I went for a 30 mins
jog ( was actually planning to go to Gym but since hubby cancelled his badminton,
I then decided to jog near the park ).

yippeeee....slide down....

Farhana and her scooter

the swing reminds me of "Bawang Putih" and " Bawang Merah"

buai laju lajuuuuu

hhmm...i wonder what are they up to....

Yeaaa...two more days to go until the next school break!!!
They are going somewhere next week...Will share with you guys
Till then... Tschuess und Auf wiedersehen !!!


Cat Cat said...

Takyah panic Elle... Anak Elle baru Standard 1 - kasik chance lah cikit... Kalau SRP ke, SPM ke... baru kita panic ya... Kekeke. Tu belum lagi masuk U nak jadi doktor...

Laracroft74 said...

I tried not to be panicked..tapi susahla coz it's too competitive.Sekarang Std 1 pun parents dah hantar tuition..Itu lagi kiasu!!Kalau Farhana masuk U, lagi i tunggang terbalik kot..:D

Ummi365 said...

baru darjah satu.. no need to panic one.. i was panic once too when the eldest was in std 1 but after having 4 children going thru std one, i rasa std one tu tak ada apa dah.. betul cakap cath tu..i am more worried with my form 4 dotter now.. stress gegiler you!

i guess she got all the stress from me since she was in std one.. hehehe..

i see that you have just started blogging.. i am welcoming you to the world of ramblings..

ZazaHardy said...

nice to know you've started blogging! now i can see both girls and hopefully i can read what they like for their cards!

hopefully the card will match their room!

best wishes,always,

Laracroft74 said...

Kak Ummi..
Thanks so much for dropping by...wahh, dah besar anak2 kak umi... thanks for the advice..nnt i'll try to control myself..betul tu..baru Std 1, nothing to worryla kan...

Hi Zaza,
Thanks for dropping by too...So now you can have some ideas about my two little angels...You can also see them in the slide show but unfortunately, you can only see half of the slide (i'm still trying how to figure it out..)