RSVP ............. in progress
Food............... ordered
Cake............... ordered
Clown............. confirmed
Deco................ okay
In my PD post, I did mention that I was busy working on some plan.... not really a big planla.... My little chubby girl @Farisa's going to turn 5 on 4th Sep...but memandangkan it's fasting I've to bring forward her birthday party a few days earlier....
Last weekend i was busy scouting for the party pack goodies...
finally found these
stuffs (see pic). pening jugak masa shopping
tu coz i've to agak2 how many boys, girls and toddlers are coming... hopefully i have enough
party pack for everyone... thru experience, should be enoughla...
I've actually been organising bday party for my little girs for 6 years in a row... this year I was thinking to resign from organizing the party but both of them insisted jugak to have one ... As a mother, i tak sampai hati and at the same time kesian... so okayla.... this will be the last one...lepas ni I want to have a break for few years.... it's so tiring okay.... from the planning stage, scouting for party pack goodies, packing the stuff, looking for bday cake, clown, the party day and finally cleaning up (i really hate this part...bibik tolong buatla ye..thank god...) ..but still penat...Luckily the next day is still a holiday (to replace Merdeka Day which falls on Sunday)
so I can rest a bit but dont's the first day of Ramadhan.... So to all my muslim friends and bloggers, Selamat Berpuasa.... I shall update you guys on the party day....Stay tune!!
Wah Elle, sibuk lah gitu this weekend ya... Don't forget to take some pictures and show us, ok..??? Next year, buat aje birthday party kat McD.. Senang cerita, babe... Hehehe.
i always have their parties in their kindies.. senang sikit.. the teachers will handle them.. lepas je std 1 no more parties, just a makan2 thing with the family.
Happy 5th birthday to Farisa.
Bukan tak nk buat kat McD but I dont like the restriction esp on the timing..dah habis party, all the guests semua kena balik..unlike in yr own house boleh more santaila..
Kak Ummi,
the original plan was actually just a makan2 with family and good friends but end up jadi besar sikit coz the kakak pun wanted to have her bday party(she'll be 7 in Oct) together with her chubby nk wat camne...but i told them, this would be the last party...the next one tunggu lagi a few more years...
tak larat i kak ummi...
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