Last Saturday, my two little girls were so excited. They've
finally slept in their own room after I put on the Strawberry Shortcake
bedsheet (hehehe..all this while they slept with us...)
But they haven't officially moved in until hubby fix the AC unit.
Temporarily they have to bear with the ceiling fan. I need to
put some children's deco as well. I have 2 sets of those glow in the
dark and will put it for them over the weekend. Also, need to
have the curtain changed too....
sooo happy to sleep on their own bed...
visit to check on the activities for your kids.
Salam..dah tgk profile..mesti your kids baik punya sebab panggil angels..jeles nya..Oh mereka tidur kat katil sendiri lah yek..Tentu nyenyak mama dan papa skrg.. he he..
hi tie..
thanks sebab datang menjenguk blog i yang still baru je lagi...anak2 i tu kadang2 nakal jugak..gaduh pun selalu..pening i...hmm...senang sikit i nk tidur sekarang..yg kecik tu (Farisa) suka tidur sebelah i...nak pusing pun susah...
Cantik cadar tu.. Mahal tak...? Anak2 kalau didecorate biliknya, memang dia orang suka sangat... Elok lah tu Elle, your girls are sleeping in their own room...
Memalam nak "exercise" with hubby pun senang cikit, kan..??? Kekekeke.
Thanks Cath...anak2 i memang excited sangat...banyak lagi nak touch up...tak pe..'man man'..
hehehe...'exercise'..tak ada gangguan..:D
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